Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University implements a volunteer campaign
In response to what volunteer work represents, in terms of developing the humanitarian and patriotic spirit of the university community, and in order to maintain a sustainable university environment. Under the guidance of Professor Dr. Angham Jassim Al-Ramahi, Dean of the College, the Construction, Projects and Information Technology units, at the College of Health and Medical Technologies/Kufa, one of the formations of Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, embarked on a volunteer campaign to maintain student rest areas.
The campaign, which was implemented in cooperation with the college’s technical and engineering staff, included the maintenance of student lounges and seating areas in the college’s corridors. Dr. Al-Ramahi indicated that all administrative and scientific circles are working in concerted efforts based on a sense of responsibility and patriotism in order to preserve public property. Media and Government Communications Division College of Health and Medical Technologies/Kufa